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What is a data-driven NHS ‘war room’?

21 October 2022 Time to read:  minutes

NHS England has announced that 24/7 control centres are to be set up across England this winter and some are calling these data-driven ‘war rooms’.

So what does this actually mean and is your NHS Trust ready to tackle this? Dick Wall, Healthcare BI Solutions Architect, Trustmarque discusses this below.

Data-driven war rooms: The one week challenge

“Data from patient health and adult social care records help us to improve individual care, speed up diagnosis, plan local services, and research new treatments. Data also played a key role in the fight against covid-19. Key pieces of data, extracted from health and care settings, combined with information provided by patients themselves, will be used in new ways to care for people and help the NHS and social care to better understand and respond to the virus.

We are inviting NHS colleagues to come and talk to us to find out how we can work with your existing data sources and our existing dashboards to deliver your war room displays in a week.

Considering this recent announcement around data-driven war rooms, what does this mean for the NHS? These hubs should be led by teams of system-wide professionals including local gov, NHS, and other clinicians and experts to manage demand and capacity. They will be keeping a close eye on beds in hospitals, and it seems where possible re-directing care to the community and local hubs dedicated to respiratory infections expected to be the most significant of winter pressures. There is also a focus on falls due to two in five hospital admissions coming from care homes are fall-related and there will be round-the-clock community mental health advice provision.

As the letter signed by the health service’s Chief Executive Amanda Pritchard, Chief Financial Officer Julian Kelly and Chief Operating Officer David Sloman was only signed this week and we are already almost into November!

I’m sure there are lots of questions to be answered, where is the budget coming from? Can you re-direct the workload?

Who will deliver this additional workload?
With our vast experience of gathering data from NHS source systems, we support more than 10% of acute trusts presenting data in dashboards we can support any trust or ICS with a rapid and effective response. Most importantly our understanding of flow and system-wide control can help the management team discover issues and develop new responses to the crisis. For instance, we can support Trusts to use the data and system thinking to identify improvements in related services such as transport, paperwork or communication delays, and arranging alternative care.

Our team at Trustmarque are technology experts who use that expertise to improve clinical outcomes through the use collection, collation and appropriate dissemination of data and information to front-line staff in all sectors including NHS, local government, and commercial organisations.

As well as world-class technology expertise, Trustmarque’s team of senior analytics consultants are also subject matter experts on patient flow having worked on multiple projects and held senior full-time roles responsible for patient flow. This means we understand the needs of the entire system and how capacity and demand, cause and effect are used to describe, measure and improve real work scenarios. No amount of data or analysis can solve critical resource shortages but a whole system view can improve flow and deal with the issues that are within the power of the system.

We can help you get the data you need from any NHS System, we can help you prepare and present it and we can support your control centre teams to understand where their resources can have the biggest impact on the overall patient flow and safety.”

Watch the session: Fear of Real Time Data Analytics & Actionable Intelligence

We were privileged to present at the NHS Data & Information Conference on Thursday 13 October. It was a fantastic opportunity for Trustmarque and Royal Berkshire Foundation Trust (RBFT) to be included in a top line-up of speakers who provided valuable knowledge and insight into improving data management for the NHS. Trustmarque’s Dick Wall, Healthcare BI Solutions Architect, was joined by Claire Burnett, Lead Nurse for Sepsis for the Critical Care Outreach Team at the RBFT, who gave a candid view of how Bedrock is used at the Trust.


Claire Burnett, Sepsis Lead Nurse and Critical Care Outreach Nurse, Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust

Dick Wall, Healthcare BI Solutions Architect, Trustmarque

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