Trustmarque Gender Pay Gap Report 2022
Looking back at the last 12 months at Trustmarque, we have achieved great things, from becoming one of the UK’s top VARs to welcoming Livingstone Group to Trustmarque. But we also know that this year and for many years ahead of us, we have even more targets to achieve when it comes to pay levels and diversity. Our focus is on making Trustmarque a great place to work, for everyone. That starts with being transparent about where we are now and how we are committed to change.
Our Gender Pay Gap Report 2022
The Gender Pay Gap Report is a powerful measure of the equality of women’s representation at a senior level in an organisation. Like many companies, we are working hard to address the current inequity at Trustmarque. We have made great progress on the ratios of women vs men but more is needed to make a difference at a senior level. This page outlines our current figures and our plans to build a more equal future for everyone at Trustmarque.
Our statistics come from latest figures of a snapshot taken at the start of 5 April 2022. The bonus calculations are based on bonuses paid within the period 6 April 2021 to 5 April 2022. In total 398 of employees were included in the calculations.
Our gender pay gap currently stands at 32.31% (mean) and 41.49% (median).

Our future direction
In March 2023, Trustmarque CEO, Simon William’s discussed how we are working towards closing the gender pay gap, and facilitating all our staff to reach their full potential:
“Our intention is to invest in the empowerment and advancement of women within Trustmarque, and to facilitate their paths into management and leadership roles. I am pleased to say that in 2022, 40% of our new hires were women vs approx. 22% in 2021. That is a great achievement and reflects progress I am keen to continue. Already we are aiming to reduce bias via a more inclusive recruitment process, and hosting listening sessions for women across Trustmarque. Next year we will launch women’s coaching initiatives to nurture the talent we have.”
You can read more about this on the news section of our website, Closing the diversity and inclusion gap at Trustmarque.
Action plan – short term
The actions we are working towards within Trustmarque for the financial year 2022/23, focus on making our environment a great place to work for everyone.
Trustmarque’s Chief People Officer, Laura Saunders added:
“Even though last year’s gender pay gap is nowhere near the level it should be, today we can already see that the current pay gap has decreased since we conducted our April 2022 snapshot. Currently our sales and solutions practices areas have a larger proportion of men in senior roles which is one of the reasons why our pay gap is great. However, times are changing and we are working towards progressing the careers of women in these areas and across the organisation, including leadership roles. We are united in making Trustmarque a more equal employer for all.”
Internal strategy
- Internal succession planning for women to help retain talent.
- Invest in management recruitment training to erase bias and help them manage effectively and fairly.
- Introduce a menopause policy to ensure women are supported during this time.
Extend our parental bereavement, fertility treatment and carers’ leave to give flexibility to those going through life changing events.
External strategy
- Launch blind recruitment policy to eliminate gender bias.
- Encourage gender neutral language in job adverts.
- Create and launch our employee value proposition, which includes defines who we are and what we stand for.
- Relaunch our apprentice scheme with a focus on women.
- Engage with women in technology job boards and events.
We have a renewed focus on DEI and will work across the company to drive improvements. Our leadership team is committed to making a difference to the employees and closing the gender pay gap. We need more diversity at all levels and will work to close the Gender Pay Gap.
Our declaration
We confirm that our data has been calculated according to the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Regulations 2017) and has been produced by the Payroll Manager and approved by Chief Executive Officer, Simon Williams.
Action plan – long term
Our longer-term action plan, which will continue into 2024 and beyond, has a focus on continuing professional development. Internally, we will be launching a women’s coaching programme and working across Trustmarque to define career progression paths clearly. Externally, we will be removing ambiguity by advertising salary ranges on our job adverts to encourage people from all backgrounds to apply for roles that match their experience and skills.
We have a renewed focus on DEI and will work across the company to drive improvements. Our leadership team is committed to making a difference to the employees and closing the gender pay gap. We need more diversity at all levels and will work to close the Gender Pay Gap.
Our declaration
We confirm that our data has been calculated according to the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Regulations 2017) and has been produced by the Payroll Manager and approved by Chief Executive Officer, Simon Williams.
Written by Julia Bluckert, Content and Communications Manager