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Trustmarque is a Microsoft Ignite Showcase Partner 2022

28 September 2022 Time to read:  minutes

Microsoft Ignite is the biggest hybrid technology conference of 2022, and Trustmarque play a pivotal role as a Showcase Partner.

Trustmarque is proud to be an award-winning Microsoft Partner, with a 30-year-old accredited partnership. This year we invite you to visit our Showcase Page at Microsoft Ignite to find out how to achieve your 2023 goals with Microsoft Azure. Aimed at developers and IT professionals, we will be showcasing IT solutions with Microsoft at their core to power digital change in your organisation.

What makes this an even more exhilarating prospect is that earlier this year, Microsoft announced that its flagship Microsoft Ignite event will be held in person in Manchester from 13-14 October. As well as a side-stream of innovation and demo content on-demand, this will be the first time that Microsoft has hosted an in person Ignite event since way back in 2019 – and we cannot wait!

It’s back for 2022!

This year we invite you to visit our Showcase Page at Microsoft Ignite to find out how to achieve your 2023 goals with Microsoft Azure. By joining Trustmarque at Microsoft Ignite virtually and viewing any of our on-demand sessions, you can delve into use-case content and demos from our technical experts around BizApps accessibility, digital intelligence through M365 to building powerful healthcare data platforms on Microsoft Azure, supported by customer evidence.

Our customers come to us time and time again for collaborative transformation, with Microsoft Cloud at the core, to make better IT decisions for long-term success, as Chief Operating Officer, Wez Worland explains:

“Trustmarque has Microsoft ingrained in its DNA, with over 30 years of collaborating in the Microsoft space. As a business, we share the same goals – our mission is to support organisations to invest in new, innovative technology to positively affect communities throughout the UK, from healthcare professionals to local government and businesses. I would like to wish everyone an amazing Microsoft Ignite, and I am really excited to see the developments from Microsoft at this year’s event.”


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Power Platform Components & Controls

What can you use every day to accelerate your development journey? Discover more with Trustmarque’s accessible app kit in this session with Seb Burrell, BizApps Practice Lead at Trustmarque, on Power Platform Components and Controls.

Start Building Accessible PowerApps

How can you make PowerApps more inclusive? Deep dive into accessibility standards in this engaging and enlightening demonstration with Trustmarque Consultant, Heather Perriam and claim your Accessible App Kit giveaway.

Heighten your hybrid working strategy

A cloud-based opportunity or a work-from-anywhere megatrend? Learn how to capitalise on hybrid with AVD (Azure Virtual Desktop) and Windows 365 with Kamal Gayashan (Practice Lead, End-User Computing and Microsoft Security).

Prism: Data driven decisions on M365 & Azure

Digital Intelligence Solution Architect, James Mounsey-Moran gives an overview of Prism, and how it can unlock data driven success through M365 and Azure to help manage costs and gain total control of IT assets.

Heighten your hybrid working strategy

Join this session to discover the Bedrock data platform with Trustmarque’s Bedrock Technical Director & Product Manager, Callum MacAllister. Developed on Microsoft Azure, it frees up NHS resource, uses technical skills and accelerates access to data and insight. Bedrock supports by effectively managing data that can be liberated to deliver outcome focused tools and seamless federation of data. Faster, more accurate data can achieve better outcomes for patients, and a more effective and efficient integrated care system.

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Join us at Microsoft Ignite

In this article we have outlined all the innovation and demo content which we have built using Microsoft innovation and capability. As a long-standing partner of Microsoft, we have a wealth of expertise and experience across the breadth of their products and solutions, including advising, implementing and deploying native Microsoft solutions that meet the needs of our customers. We are looking forward to showcasing our ability at Microsoft Ignite 2022 and showing how to do more with less with the Microsoft Cloud.

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