Technology Asset Management

Ready to focus on finding value and improving your existing IT consumption practices? IT Asset Management (ITAM) is the answer. Open up a world of cost savings and control, as well as maximising the potential of what you have. We’re here to reduce risk and take the sting out of auditing, driving efficiencies in your IT investments.

Itam Hero@2x

Driving efficiencies in your IT investments

But what does that really mean for you? We have a proven track record in delivering upfront software cost savings of over 23%. We know better than anyone that when adopting new cloud technologies, you can face new challenges in keeping costs down. We will connect you and your IT estate.

TAM solutions

Automated and outcome-based, at the click of a button. There has never been a better time to reconsider your Software Asset Management (SAM) or broader ITAM strategy.


Your path to becoming efficient, ensure compliancy, optimise spend, and drive automation and self-sufficiency.

Itam Livingstone Technologies
Livingstone Technologies

Now part of the Trustmarque Group, renowned globally to control and optimise software and cloud services.

Itam Technology Assest Managment@2x

When should you use Technology Asset Management?

Any time is a good time to begin considering your Technology Asset Management, but certain events or challenges can often be a trigger, such as:

  • Contract and renewal negotiations
  • Defending an audit
  • A merger, divesture or acquisition
  • Aligning IT and procurement functions
  • Unreliable data
  • Spiralling cloud costs

Three steps to successful Technology Asset Management

Itam Getting Buy In
Getting buy-in

The most successful ITAM projects have buy-in from all levels, which allows for great governance and accountability.

Itam Strategic Success
Strategic success

The ISO 19770 states that a strategic Technology Asset Management is a combination of people, processes, and technology.

Essential collaboration

We will work with you to understand your vision and use the latest methodologies to assess your current circumstances.

Supporting ParentPay with their digital transformation and licensing strategy

Parentpay Logo
Trustmarque also really guided us through the CSP process to get everything ready – making sure we have the right licensing in place. We are utilising the Microsoft stack more and more – from Azure to Office 365 – and consuming more Microsoft services.”
Allen Bagnall Head of IT ParentPay
Itam Why Trustmarque@2x

Why Trustmarque?

You have the tech to overcome whatever hurdles are in front of you, giving you confidence and momentum. We have a proven track record in delivering upfront software cost savings of over 23%. Our Technology Asset Management team and Technology Asset Management services help you to optimise your investments through control, risk mitigation and cost optimisation.

Drive greater value
from your IT

Get in touch to discuss how to improve your IT licensing usage.

Contact us