Data Warehouse

Data is currency for integrated care. But many NHS Trusts struggle to get the breadth, depth, and quality of information they need to plan and transform care delivery. We know that accessing the data you need to make the best decisions for patients can be a challenge.

Data Warehousing Header@2x

A data warehouse you can plan on, act on, count on

With Fabric Data Warehousing on Microsoft Azure and delivered by Trustmarque, you can easily manage your data. We will enable you to deliver the right reports to the right people at the right time with the right data in real time.

Data Warehousing Minimise Time Wasted
Minimise time wasted

Free up your valuable NHS analysts so you can directly support improved care in your Integrated Care Systems.

Data Warehousing Transform Care
Transform care

Clean data improves waiting lists, patient pathways and alerting clinical support processes.

Data Warehousing Reduce Waiting Times
Reduce waiting times

A different approach to data can resolve ward issues and backlogs.

Data Warehousing Single View
Single view of data

Spend less time gathering and tidying data, more time analysing and acting on it.

A trusted partner to the NHS

Royal Berkshire Nhs
By making data apparent to everyone, we have seen processes and practices change in ways we never expected. We are having much earlier and higher quality conversations around deterioration, and are actively improving the ‘quality of death’ for our patients.”
Claire Burnett, Lead Nurse for Sepsis for the Critical Care Outreach Team at the RBFT

Fabric replaces out-of-date solutions

In just 8 weeks, you can:

  • Get data from all main EPRs and other hospital systems
  • Forecast resource availability and patient risks
  • Share insights using the NHS Logical Data Model
  • Automatically update NHS Digital and ONS reference files
  • Easily integrate new data sources

Data Warehousing Bedrock Replaces Solutions@2x

Fabric and Microsoft Azure

We understand the intricacies and the unique challenges the healthcare sector faces. That’s why we are a trusted partner to more than 60% of NHS Trusts. By combining Fabric Data Warehouse solutions (designed and built by NHS data experts), with the power of Microsoft Azure, you can build a powerful data platform from the start for your ICS and Trusts.

Data Warehousing Bedrock And Microsoft Azure@2x

Take action on your data challenges

Learn how data can resolve ward and board challenges.

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